Holbeck's Never Ending Story Part 3

John Welding, Handwriting, The Holbeck, WMC, Ian McMillan, Poem

Although Photoshop was involved in constructing the final pages for print I wanted everything to be hand drawn as much as possible. I could have used a typeface for the poem lettering but wanted to hand write it. I always regret that decision. The poem has a specific layout, punctuation is missing so looks grammatically wrong. I wanted to be as honest as Ian McMillans words so decided not to fight it and go with the flow. Of course I have no ideas what the rules regarding poem punctuation are so may have had no choice in the matter.

Textures and brush marks were also hand made and scanned into the computer to colour and add a textural element to the line drawings. To me these marks are weather, and energy and emotions and will be a way of linking mages.

John Welding, Handwriting, The Holbeck, WMC, Ian McMillan, Poem

John Welding, Handwriting, The Holbeck, Leeds, WMC, Illustration, Texture, Poem
