The road to awe

The title of this post is paraphrasing lines from the film The Fountain (2006). I usually do this walk the opposite way round. Saving the muddy bit for last and then feel guilty if I go into the nearby supermarkets with muddy feet. The land by the Asda recycling bins is rough and ready and usually very muddy but it's obviously a well trodden route. Plastic bags, clothing, scrap wood have been used to make the path walkable, to no effect as the mud sucks it all in. It does feel different, the edge of another  place with the ruins of Sandal Castle very nearby. Not sure what caused the feeling of euphoria but I liked it. Perhaps a past life experience in the army, dying on the battlefield. Is this what keeps me coming back, over the 25 years I have been here and around Wakefield?

Penciled pages.

Inked pages.

Water coloured pages.
