Camera shy dragonfly

I spent longer than you would think trying to get a photo of that dragonfly. It hid behind the buttercup stalk, rotating around with the length of its body parallel to the stalk, as I moved. My Pixel 7 failed to focus giving me blurred out images. That's the second time this week that a supposedly great Pixel camera has failed me. I offered to edit out people in the background of a portrait photo using the Magic Editor and it failed at that too. With those experiences in mind, back home I literally dusted off my old Canon dslr and had a great few hours messing about with that.

I had forgotten how superior a 50mm lens can be. Preferring the portability of a smart phone camera is fine until that camera stops being capable. Not sure why it failed, I have taken close up photos and edited out backgrounds with it. Maybe it's the solar storms or maybe it's software downgrading the user experience. Stop! That's pessimistic conspiratorial thinking that is.

Some detail / WIP shots using my old camera.
