Black Ash Refuse Heap

Walking over the Black Ash Refuse Heap, high up at Calder Island. 10am and it's already hot. As I stand drawing a thorny looking bush, sweat is running down my spine. There's already too many people around the lakes and I am finding it hard to avoid them. That's why I'm on the Ash Heap, surrounded by burnt out campfires, beer cans and mattresses. I can see for  miles around I can hear a lot too. There are factories beneath me and even on a sunday I can hear, John Glashan style, 'men dragging sacks across concrete floors'. Above inland Seagulls compete with the factory workers squawking.

I have brought with me my Sailor Fude fountain pen to draw with. It has a bent nib by design and the variety of lines it can make is fantastic. I use Platinum Carbon Ink which I find to be a great quality, black ink to use in a fountain pen. But still, from the first mark I make I regret not bring my dip pen and india ink. After 30 minutes sketching I call it a day. After coffee and a shower I applied the coffee and watercolour washes to the sketches.
