Avert your eyes young ones - Martian romance comic!

Making page 11 Chuffin' Billy episode Three

Layout with Unipin brush pen and pencil. Page design and laying out speech bubbles. I have been struggling with drawing the past few weeks in that why should I bother. Who reads this stuff and it brings in no income compared to the hours I am donating. So where do you go for inspiration when I feel like that? Jae Lee turns out to be the answer to that dilemma. See the previous blog post for a bit more detail on that and striking a line. The script suggested  four horizontal frames but thinking about it on one of my local walks I thought why? When it could have a bit more storytelling involved. 

Inking done using the usual dip pen and ink. Again I was trying to ink a bit faster than I have been, Using my wrist with a flick to create line.

Watercolouring the page. After all these years it still fills me with anxiety. I had a plan to use the red planet as a theme so that the various characters had a red/orange highlight complementing the blue in the shadows.

Scanned the A4 coloured page in to PhotoShop and tweaked the colours a little bit, played around with adding subtle textures and added the lettering. This is the first time that I had a problem with lettering spacing in the ten pages so far and had to use different point sizes to make the text fit. I was mortified! Again, who will ever notice so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Rounded corners were also added to make it feel more like a reminiscence or a memory.

Details showing some of the texture in the digital colouring.
